PT Phantom II Pressurized Insecticide Insect Control Spray17.5 oz

BASF SKU: 1331


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PT Phantom II Pressurized Insecticide delivers the power and effectiveness of Phantom Insecticide in a convenient and easy-to-use aerosol can. Phantom aerosol provides broad-spectrum control over numerous indoor pests including bed bugs, ants and cockroaches.

Active Ingrediant  Target Pests  EPA Registration  Application  Pet Safe
Chlorfenapyr 0.5% Ants (Argentine, Carpenter, Odorous House, Pavement, Pharaoh, Pyramid), Cockroaches (American, German, Brown-banded, Oriental and Smokey-brown), Beetles, Bed Bugs, Centipedes, Earwigs, Scorpions, Silverfish, Spiders, Wasps 499-548 Refer to product label  Yes