Chlorothalonil 720 SFT (Generic Daconil weatherstik) - 2.5 Gallon

Quali-Pro SKU: 032


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Chlorothalonil 720 SFT Generic Daconil Weatherstik

  • EFFECTIVE: Economical, cost-effective, broad-spectrum disease control for cool and warm season grasses, trees, shrubs, and flowers.
  • RAPID RESULTS: Contact mode of action for quick results. Multi-Site activity means no disease resistance with repeated use.
  • USE SITES: nursery, greenhouse, landscape, irrigation, golf courses
  • EFFECTIVE AGAINST: dollar spot, brown patch, Algae, Leaf Spot, Anthracnose, Fusarium, Rust
  • ACTIVE INGREDIENT: Chlorothalonil 54%

Economical, cost-effective, broad-spectrum disease control for cool and warm season grasses, trees, shrubs, and flowers.
