Transforming your lawn into a lush, green golf course-like haven is achievable with the right approach and high-quality products. Follow these steps, using the recommended products from our site!
Seed Prep Starts Now - 10 Steps for The Best Seeding Results
Samuel Barrick
Seeding fescue is a big investment between cost of seed, fertilizer, equipment to plug, equipment to spread, labor, and of course water. Even after putting in all the work to plant the seed, some areas just don't take or parts don't come up. While we can put together a...
How to Control Nutsedge: Yellow Nutsedge, Purple Nutsedge
Samuel Barrick
Nutsedge can be one of the toughest weeds to control with its large bulbous root system. In the diagram of a Nutsedge below it shows that different parts of the nutsedge that help to identify it. The easiest way besides the bright yellow color and fast-growing pattern, is to rub...
A HomeOwner's Guide to Fungus Control in Tall Fescue
Samuel Barrick
Do you fight disease in your lawn? Disease are common throughout the summer and some in the winter as moisture and temperatures play a huge part in disease pressure. Warm nights and evening rain is the biggest contributor to brown patch in tall fescue. Prolonged exposure to moisture (at least...
Affordable Post-emergent Control of Poa Annua (Annual Bluegrass) In Cool-season Grasses
Samuel Barrick
With Prime Source’s latest release of Sublime Herbicide, we are excited for the first affordable control of poa annua in cool-season grass. We have seen good results on one application of Sublime, but a second application might be needed for best control. Within two weeks you can see visible...
Improve Soil Health with One Easy Application
Samuel Barrick
Soil testing is one of the best ways of telling what your soil needs. When looking at your soil test results, apart from your macro-nutrients, look for your levels on CEC (cationic exchange capacity), OM (organic matter), and Calcium levels. These levels are one of the most important for your...
Choosing a Herbicide? Ask These Questions First!
Samuel Barrick
When choosing a herbicide to spray on your lawn there are three questions to ask before making a decision on a product. What type of grass you are spraying on? What weeds are you controlling? Are you trying to prevent the weed or control what is currently there? Lets break...
FlowZone Cyclone Battery Powered Sprayer
Samuel Barrick
Have you started spraying your own lawn for weeds? Or trying to spray a liquid fertilizer, but not sure how to get started? Whatever you are trying to spray can be done with a pump sprayer, but for more consistent spraying pressure moving up to a battery-powered sprayer is the...
Is Spraying a Pre-emergent Better than Granular?
Samuel Barrick
Spraying a pre-emergent is one of the most cost-effective ways of applying a pre-emergent, but is it a better option? Let’s break it down. Granular is quicker. When you take the time to fill your backpack sprayer with water (and refill if you have more than a few thousand square...
Eagle 20EW: Fungicide with Systemic Protection and Curative Attributes
Samuel Barrick
Looking for a good fungicide to use within a rotation throughout the growing season? Eagle 20EW, a group 3 fungicide, is a flexible solution that can be used anywhere from a golf course to a greenhouse. With systemic properties that last 10 to 14 days, Eagle 20EW can be used...
Clean Seed Fescue Blend: 3-Way Turf-type Tall Fescue
Samuel Barrick
Wanting to start over with your lawn or just improve the existing grass? Clean Seed Fescue Blend gives you the flexibility to start fresh or interseed in your existing lawn. This three-way blend of the highest-end fescue varieties does a wonderful job giving you the lawn of your dreams. When we created Clean Seed, we wanted a blend of fescue that stood out not only for its dark green color but also for not having weed seed or other weed crop. This keeps your lawn from unwanted weeds that can be tough to remove.
SpeedZone Southern EW: Fast Broadleaf Weed Control on Warm-season Grasses
Samuel Barrick
If you are looking for fast control of many broadleaf weeds on warm-season grasses, look no further than SpeedZone Southern EW. This formulation of SpeedZone makes it safe to apply to warm-season grasses with a lower rate of 2,4-D. With this reduced amount of 2,4-D, while still highly effective, SpeedZone Southern EW makes it safer to spray broadleaf weeds during the transition period in the spring where 2,4-D products usually delay the green-up.
Diquat: Quick Burndown of Weeds in Landscape Beds
Samuel Barrick
Using Roundup, but not pleased with the delayed results? Want something to kill unwanted weeds in your ornamental beds quickly? If you answered Yes, you are in luck. The answer is Diquat. Diquat shows visible results in as little as 24-48 hours, giving you peace of mind that your application...
Controlling Fire Ants: Talstar XTRA Granular Insecticide
Samuel Barrick
As Imported Fire Ants continue to move northward, finding a solution that kills fire ants is needed. If you choose a bait, you are restricted by applying it only when fire ants are actively foraging to pick up the bait. Bifenthrin by itself will kill some fire ants, but mainly makes the colony move away from the current mound and start a new one a few yards away. This is where Talstar XTRA comes in. Talstar XTRA Granular Insecticide offers great control on over 75 lawn insects including the most dreaded Imported Fire Ants. Talstar Xtra lasts for up to 4 months even controlling Fire Ants. With Verge technology, it makes apply Talstar XTRA simple and does a great job evenly covering an area. Talstar XTRA can kill a fire ant colony in as little as 15 minutes.
Incide-Out Spray Tank Cleaner: Keeping Residue from Building Up
Samuel Barrick
After a spring full of spraying prodiamine, you might be wondering how the world to clean your sprayer up. Using a degreaser or other products can leave a residue that can cause leaf tissue burn on your next spray application. This is where Incide-Out comes in handy. Incide-Out is a...
Understanding MSMA Label: Spraying for Hard-to-Control Weeds
Samuel Barrick
If you are trying to control tough grassy weeds like crabgrass, goosegrass, or bahiagrass in warm- and cool-season grasses MSMA might be the best solution for you. Along with grassy weeds, MSMA will control some broadleaf weeds like clover, sandspur, and spurge along with nutsedges. Where can you use...